Servicing New York City, Los Angeles and everywhere in between for over 20 years!

Another instance where communication is helpful is when your animal friend is exhibiting behaviors that are unappreciated by you. Most behavior that we find irritating does have some reasoning or emotional reality behind it. It is helpful to find out what is triggering the behavior and to find out from your animal friend what support is needed so they can make a behavior change. I use a chakra reading to see where the possible trauma is lodged and then apply the appropriate healing to release it. Cats peeing outside the box or hiding, fearful bucking horses, barking and aggressive dogs to name a few instances where animal communication and healing are transformative. When your animal friend is exhibiting behavior that is unappreciated by you and they don’t respond to training or it’s outside of that paradigm it is usually because of a known or unknown traumas. Most behavior that we find irritating does have some reasoning or emotional reality behind it.
In these cases, I speak with your animal friend first to see what their point of view is on the issue. Next, scan their energy centers/chakras to see where the emotional imbalance lives in them and then apply the appropriate healing to assist them in releasing it all within the session. After finding out what lies underneath the behaviors, I ask your animal friend what support they need. This includes what they need to hear from you as well as instructions I will provide on how best to them. This includes treatment plan that includes the appropriate flower and gem essences, music and ways for you to continue the healing.
Challenging Changes: Moving, Travel and Introducing a New Animal

It is beneficial to tell your animal friend about impending changes so that the animal is not taken by surprise. It is also helpful to find out what they may need from you to transition smoothly. Talking to your animal friend before a move, getting a new animal, or any situation that affects you is helpful. Animals like and need to be considered when changes occur because they are much affected by our changes both internal and external.
It is beneficial to tell your animal friend about impending changes so that the animal is not taken by surprise. It is also helpful to find out what they may need from you to transition smoothly. Talking to your animal friend before a move, getting a new animal, or any situation that affects you both is helpful. Animals like and need to be considered when changes occur because they are much affected by our changes emotionally as well.
These are times of high duress for our animal friends. Most know that moving is one of the top stressors for humans. Likewise, for our animal companions. In fact, many times traumas that are laying dormant can become apparent with these changes. A current disruption like moving can disrupt the animals foundation and present dormant issues.
Therefore, it is best to prepare them for this.
With a move, I first tell the animal friend about the move and see how they respond. Some are upset, some are excited. Even within the excitement the energy centers become disrupted. Next, show them pictures of the new home so they understand show where they are going and all the good aspects of the move. Especially animals that are rescues and had trauma from their past lives need to understand the they are being included in this move and that they are going to be in a good place. I then scan the chakras and see what the displacements are from this news. From the finds here, I proceed with the healing. Then, I will relay what your animal needs from you in this as well as recommendations of gem and flower essences, as well as sound and color therapies that will assist in continuing the healing.
“Peter is doing much better. He no longer hides under the bed. He sleeps with me at night and his weight has stabilized.”
Val Farrel, Freeport, New York
It is important to prepare our animal friends for any unusual travel that includes them such as a first time or extended travel on a plane or train as well as the upsetting event of our travel separate from our animal friends.
Many animals experience anxiety and/or motion sickness when traveling. It is important to see what is going on for them that is creating this as well as treating it appropriately.
First I talk to the animal friend and find out from them what the issue is, such as I hate that noisy tube thing, my belly hurts and I’m dizzy or being in a crate so long upsets me are some common complaints. In the case of a first flight I can simulate the experience for them so that they can get a sense of it before they travel. The next thing I do is scan their chakras and do the appropriate healing. Travel is ungrounding for most animals so red light directed to the first chakra to help establish safety is key. Other old issues may surface as well.
Many times, I will work with the animal in real time so that I can help them feel safe and secure while they are going through this experience. If there are any symptoms of motion sickness, I can help with that as well as let their person know the their animal companion may need either a supplement or medicine from their vet. This is just an example of how communication and healing can help.
Travel without our animal friends brings up all kinds of issues for them first and foremost, abandonment. Who will feed me, are they ever coming home, why are they leaving me to name a few. I once worked with a cat that prior to receiving communication and healing work became so upset that he became ill and had to be hospitalized others will quit eating. These are the more extreme ends of the spectrum. However, letting them know of your plans is a much gentler way to leave them especially when the length of time is extensive.
I first speak to them to tell them about your travel. This includes all the details of travel, who is taking care of them, when you return, etc.
Then I scan their chakras and organ systems to see which energy centers have been displaced as well as any physical symptoms that are upset by this news. All healing is completed in the session as well as a treatment plan that can include gem and flower essences, music, and their needs throughout your absence.
New Family Member Human or Otherwise
In the planning to add a new animal to your clan, it important to ask your current animals if they want this. If you are going to get this animal either way, it is important to explain to them why, such as Cha Cha is living in a shelter and needs a home just like you do or I need this cat because I want to show them. Whatever the circumstances are, asking or explaining to them will make the transition smoother. Also, even when an animal has previously said they want a dog or cat friend, the reality of having a new being in their space can be a jolt to them. Both current and new animal may need help in this case.
If you have adopted a rescue that has a traumatic past, they frequently need help in adjusting to their new home. Typically they bring their old survivor behavior with them with fear driven barking, resource guarding, going crazy on leash when dogs present themselves on a walk.
In cases were it is is a huge change like a new baby or a divorce it and the routine and feeling of the household radically change, our animal friends certainly need to understand what is happening.
Old traumas can get triggered here as well as just dealing with this issue especially with rescues but also not all breeders are kosher. I’ve seen many animals bought because people think they will bypass trauma issues just to be met with just as many as with a rescue, sometimes more.
Frequently, the first and second chakras are disturbed here. Issues both of safety and territory as well as the big issue of trusting that their needs will continue to be met with food, love and attention. Here, I would do the chakra scans, administer the healing as well as explain to them that their needs will be met. I a treatment plan you would receive at treatment plan that includes suggestion for flower & gem essences as well as what your animal friend needs from you.

I have been asked to assist in cases where the vet cannot locate the source of the discomfort or when the vet suspects that the cause may be an emotional situation affecting you or your friend. A body scan is suggested in detecting the location of the physical issue and a chakra scan to determine if there is an emotional issue contributing to their illness.
When an animal is ill it can be a challenge because people cannot typically hear or feel their symptoms. Vets may refer clients to me when they want more information as to what the animal friend feels in their body or if there are any underlying emotional issues that may be contributing to their illness such as a an old trauma from their earlier life or a sudden illness after a move or death of a family member human or otherwise. These are possible co-factors as creation of and a deterrent of healing. Getting this information can both assist with diagnosis as wells knowing how to dose pain, etc.
In these instances, I first ask what the animal friend is feeling in their bodies. Here I receive sensations and feelings to me viscerally as they simultaneously tell me what is happening for them and when. I also will use body scans to check organ systems as well as muscular-skeletal pain. Chakra(energy center) scans again will be used to find the hidden emotional traumas. Then the appropriate healing follows.

I have been asked to assist in cases where the vet cannot locate the source of the discomfort or when the vet suspects that the cause may be an emotional situation affecting you or your friend. A body scan is suggested in detecting the location of the physical issue and a chakra scan to determine if there is an emotional issue contributing to their illness.
When an animal is ill it can be a challenge because people cannot typically hear or feel their symptoms. Vets may refer clients to me when they want more information as to what the animal friend feels in their body or if there are any underlying emotional issues that may be contributing to their illness such as a an old trauma from their earlier life or a sudden illness after a move or death of a family member human or otherwise. These are possible co-factors as creation of and a deterrent of healing. Getting this information can both assist with diagnosis as wells knowing how to dose pain, etc.
In these instances, I first ask what the animal friend is feeling in their bodies. Here I receive sensations and feelings to me viscerally as they simultaneously tell me what is happening for them and when. I also will use body scans to check organ systems as well as muscular-skeletal pain. Chakra(energy center) scans again will be used to find the hidden emotional traumas. Then the appropriate healing follows.

I have been asked to assist in cases where the vet cannot locate the source of the discomfort or when the vet suspects that the cause may be an emotional situation affecting you or your friend. A body scan is suggested in detecting the location of the physical issue and a chakra scan to determine if there is an emotional issue contributing to their illness.
When an animal is ill it can be a challenge because people cannot typically hear or feel their symptoms. Vets may refer clients to me when they want more information as to what the animal friend feels in their body or if there are any underlying emotional issues that may be contributing to their illness such as a an old trauma from their earlier life or a sudden illness after a move or death of a family member human or otherwise. These are possible co-factors as creation of and a deterrent of healing. Getting this information can both assist with diagnosis as wells knowing how to dose pain, etc.
In these instances, I first ask what the animal friend is feeling in their bodies. Here I receive sensations and feelings to me viscerally as they simultaneously tell me what is happening for them and when. I also will use body scans to check organ systems as well as muscular-skeletal pain. Chakra(energy center) scans again will be used to find the hidden emotional traumas. Then the appropriate healing follows.

I have been asked to assist in cases where the vet cannot locate the source of the discomfort or when the vet suspects that the cause may be an emotional situation affecting you or your friend. A body scan is suggested in detecting the location of the physical issue and a chakra scan to determine if there is an emotional issue contributing to their illness.
When an animal is ill it can be a challenge because people cannot typically hear or feel their symptoms. Vets may refer clients to me when they want more information as to what the animal friend feels in their body or if there are any underlying emotional issues that may be contributing to their illness such as a an old trauma from their earlier life or a sudden illness after a move or death of a family member human or otherwise. These are possible co-factors as creation of and a deterrent of healing. Getting this information can both assist with diagnosis as wells knowing how to dose pain, etc.
In these instances, I first ask what the animal friend is feeling in their bodies. Here I receive sensations and feelings to me viscerally as they simultaneously tell me what is happening for them and when. I also will use body scans to check organ systems as well as muscular-skeletal pain. Chakra(energy center) scans again will be used to find the hidden emotional traumas. Then the appropriate healing follows.